The Purpose of Life According to Walter Mitty


"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life." 

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was beautiful. Plain and simple. It was earnest and fun and heart-warming.

Ben Stiller is Walter Mitty, a regular Joe and chronic day dreamer. One day he's forced to step out of his comfort zone and go on a real life journey to save his job. His experiences transform him drastically. And I don't want to sound cheesy and say that the movie's lesson was this or that, but it truly was enriching. Walter Mitty reminds us how life is meant to be lived.

Football all day? I can live with that.

This movie was like a good photograph. It was visually stimulating. Thanks in huge part to the unique camera angles used, and the production value of dream sequences. At the same time, the movie had profound emotional gravitas. From the colorful title sequence, to the scenic landscapes of Iceland and the Himalayas, the movie was a great celebration of life. The scenes were just too beautiful...

Tons of scenic locations were used, but I won't spoil them for you.

Kudos to Ben Stiller for both starring and directing this movie. I've always believed that comedians always give a unique sincerity when playing serious roles. Ben makes Walter Mitty so relatable. For two hours, I was immersed in all the sensations of Walter Mitty's adventures. And I just want to say, Ben Stiller is so underrated. He's a versatile performer, and this movie just proved it. (How sick was the fight scene??)

Who'da thunk Ben Stiller could be gorgeous if he wanted to?

Special mention goes to Patton Oswald for his performance as a voice on the phone! He plays Todd, the good Samaritan, online dating site aid who ends up being Walter's phone pal and genuine friend. I love his energy and candor.

As well as an unusually un-wacky Kristen Wiig and Sean Penn, who's always cool in any movie.

As Sean O'Connell said, Beautiful things don't ask for attention. So I won't ruin the movie by talking about it too much. Just go see it. Immerse yourself in the moment. It's a wonderful movie that's a joy to watch.


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