Authentic Adaptation: Street Fighter Assassin's Fist



Street Fighter Assassin's Fist is a 13 episode online series based on the popular video game. It started off as a passion project for Joey Ansah and Christian Howard but eventually became a Capcom sanctioned production. It was THAT good! Even if you notice that it doesn't have the same standard as your TV productions, but they still manage to come up with some great quality work.

The show focuses on Ryu and Ken in their formative years in martial arts. As well as the younger years of their master, Gouken, and his brother, Goki. Remember how Tekken butchered all the characters we so loved? And how M. Bison and Charlie in Legends of Chun-Li were facepalm silly? Well this is the exact opposite of that experience. There has never been a truer, more faithful, video game to live-action adaptation that Street Fighter Assassin's Fist.

Watch it here!

King Kong Attacks Empire Steak

King Kong's Steak, that is!

If you’re looking for quality steak, at a reasonable price, then Empire Steak is where you can get it! 

IMG_2213 IMG_2207
Empire "Steak". Get it? Get it???

X-Men X-cellence!

* clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap * clap *


I have no words.

MICMIC RATING: (tumataginting na) 10/10!!! 
(Although admittedly, my very low expectations might have had something to do with the score.)

X-Men-DOFP-Poster-3 X-Men-DOFP-Poster-6-438x650
Absolutely the BEST X-Men film to date!

Godzilla VS. Flying Ipis!

Godzilla VS. Flying Ipis (times infinity)!!!!! (*Not actual screen cap. Just great fan art)


The only good thing about this movie was Godzilla himself. To be even more specific, the monster showdown climax was the best (and only) interesting part about the Godzilla reboot. 

Classics Collected at Chef Robert

Ever had a hard time deciding if you want Thai Curry or Fried Tilapia? They're two of your favorites, but are unfortunately located in two different restaurants. But what if I told you you could get both (and more) of your food favorites in just one place?


That's what Chef Robert wanted to do when he created his restaurant - gather all of the classics and favorites and put them all under one roof! He calls it comfort food. The menu can get a bit overwhelming (since they serve so many food favorites) but breeze through it so you get the best collection of dishes you can possibly want!

The Last of Us - Uncharted and Arkham City's Lovechild


The Last of Us has very familiar gameplay. It's no surprise that it's similar to Uncharted, because they come from the same game developers, but it also has some semblance to the Arkham franchise - having its own version of the Detective mode, a stealth kill system, and the gradual development of arsenal as the story progresses. 

But one thing that sets it apart though is its dark tone and incredibly gripping story telling. (Which makes it a perfect game for gamers to play, and non-gamers to watch.) The game's been around for a while now, but I'm pretty sure this is one of the biggest reasons why it's become so popular.

Some Ol' Parker Luck


Oh. Dear. God.

If I had a penny for all the things I hated about the movie...I'd be 5 pennies richer.


Amazing Spider-Man 2 bedroom
Pretty much sums up how I feel about this movie - cluttered.