Videos of the Week #2


Week 2! This week is fight week!

I just feel like sharing the best amateur video fights I've ever seen on the internets. Here they are!

Ryan Vs. Dorkman 2

This one is a classic! No words or story needed, just a straight up epic light saber fight. If you like Star Wars then you should have heard about this. This is probably the best light saber fight done outside the official Star Wars material. It's so good, it actually feels like it's a spinoff of some sort. It's made by Ryan Wieber and Michael Scott, the two guys you'll see fighting here. If you like this one, check out their first fight too!

Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight

I'm not a fan of Naruto. Hell, I don't watch it at all. The most I know about Naruto is what I got from THIS video! Nevermind the lousy anime-inspired acting, the fight  choreography in this is just so freaking good that whether you're a fan or not, you'd still enjoy it! Check out RivenX3i's youtube page for other cool fight videos. They have shitloads of great fights featuring characters from Tekken, Street Fighter, and even Batman!

White Ranger Vs. Scorpion

Bat in the Sun has made a number of fantasy fight videos, but this one is my favorite so far. Being a 90s kid, I loved watching the original Power Rangers, and it's pretty cool seeing him fight again, even if it's not official material. Watch the fight, it's sure to take you bake to those carefree days when all you cared about was fantasizing about Kimberly. Go straight to the 4:10 mark if you want to skip the "tale of the tape".

Special Mention: Every Fighting Game, Ever.

I absolutely love Freddie Wong and his team! They combine well choreographed fights or action scenes with some great acting, humor and top notch special effects. Here's one they made about fighting games. And I'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to this.:)

There you go! Til next week for another installment of Videos of the Week!! Enjoy!!

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